Friday, October 13, 2006

imperial miss

I sometimes wish ye OLde London Towne was bit more of an urban jungle. It's so polite out there.. everyone is just so darn nice.Even so, I got quite a shock this afternoon. I was wandering around the back streets of Soho when I came across some pugilists in the street.. rough tough punchy types. I told them to stop being so nasty.
They looked at me in the most horrible manner imaginable. Then one said to his mate,'Dave, it's a bloke in a dress'. Well, I was quite surprised at that. I can barely recall the last time someone had the temerity to call me by that ugly name..'Bloke'.
I waa going to deliver one of my famous imperious speeches but sometimes there is a lot to be said for economy of means. I simply said, 'Dickhead', turned on my heels and walked off with my nose in the air. Now, most of you wise T-girls will be loudly tut-tutting by now. 'Is that bloody Lucia crazy? Insulting a group of thugs and then turning her back? Is she on some sort of 80's death trip?????????' Funny you should say that but, to be more precise, it's actually a 20's death trip. I'm a flapper with a bee skull and a shrunken head in my handbag....


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