Tuesday, October 31, 2006

men's shirts

It's a funny thing y'know really y'know. In an effort to be effortlessly femme, us Tgirls can spend a fortune on the right hair, the right makeup and the right clothes.

But what about those lazy mornings when we wake up at the BFs flat, our party frocks smelling of stale tobacco and generally foul nite club booziness? Naturally, we wanna cook up our man some nice brekkies before fading quietly out the door and up the road so we reach into his messy pile of clothes and pull out the cleanest shirt we can find.

It's all a bit like that Shania Twain song about 'men's shirts, short skirts' whathaveyou.

But 'eeeek'! It's not fair. While GGs can slip into man drag and do a Julia Roberts with impugnity, dressing in dull manly garb is usually fatal for our Tgirl image...

Maybe the best thing is talk the BF into buying a few girlyish shirts from time to time.. as long as he doesn't go round wearing them the minute our back's turned!! No way are we dating a guy like that!


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