Monday, October 16, 2006

T-girl neologsm

I had an enlightening chat with an admirer at the Way Out Club a couple of years ago. I'd gotten chatting with this slightly worse for wear guy as you sometimes do and the drink having addled his brain, he decided to start telling me everything that was wrong with T-girls!!!

Just fer a laff I played along, feigning complicity with his most learned opinion teehee. Essentially, the basic thrust of his argument was this:
Because T-girls aren't 'real' women, men are not under any of the normal obligations that qualify man/woman relationships. OH YEAH?!! Because T-girls are 'fake', they should be happy to take whatever a man has to offer them, entirely on his terms. OH YEAH??!! T-girls spend way too much time bitching about men and each other and are usually self-obsessed. OH, I SUPPOSE MEN AREN"T LIKE THIS AT ALL??!! T-girls should empty their heads of all notion of romance and love 'cos no way is a fella ever gonna bring a T-girl home to meet mommy. Instead, they should get real, make themselves available to service men and generally be thankful for whatever falls from the plate. REALLY??!!

Perhaps it's time we girls insisted on an entry in the shorter english dictionary similar to 'misogyny' but specific to T-girls. Wonder what the word would be... Teeogyny?? But that wouldn't work because the root of the 'gyny' part refers only to women (Greek 'gune' = woman). Hmmmmm.. I can see I'll have to think deeply about this one....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been out with a lots of Tgirls and can I just say that the guy you spoke to is a total idiot. There's only one way to treat a Tgirl and that's to spoil and pamper her like a princess.

18 October, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cos you have, been with zillions of Lucia's, your the one with a big RED S on that string vest of your's.

19 October, 2006  

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