Sunday, November 26, 2006

typically me!

Typically me! I had an ocean of work to catch up on yesterday and instead I spent the whole day shopping and preening and getting set for my date last night. I must have gone through more costume changes in the afternoon than MADonna has managed in a lifetime. Naturally, I spent much too much money on a new outfit. Almost opted for gorgeous knitted dress from Jane Norman but decided I'd need some serious cleavage to make the best of it. Instead I picked out a few things from Warehouse including a silk twil cami to wear to bed.. eeeeeek!

After fretting (for no reason at all) that I'd never see him again, my new man-thing picked me up on time and off we went for a quiet night out - cinema and a very light dindins after. I'm right off food at the mo.. wonder why.. ho hummmm..

Well the man-thing had to run off early this morning but not before I'd cooked him a royal King's breakfast. And before that he made love to me in the dim early light as lightning flashed, thunder crashed and rain fell in relentless fury. It was utterly ridiculous! felt like a woman out of one of those soppy ancient romantic Mills & Boon paperbacks but at least my orgasm was up to date and totally liberating.

As I sit tapping this out, I'm still barely breathing with tummy trembling and fingers a bit shaky. Ooooh, it's the power of luv for ya!


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