Monday, November 06, 2006


Felt like stretching my legs before bedtime so I popped out for a quick stroll. Very quiet for firework night.. must be the extreme cold and the great wreaths of icy November fog slowly creeping up the streets. Didn't see barely a soul in fact - which was a relief! You man-things can never appreciate just how unwise it is for a Tgirl to wander alone late at night. Take the area where I live for example. I think the governments been handing out special grants to nodlinks and nutters to encourage them to come and live round here. And probably they're paid an extra fat bonus for scaring GGs and Tgirls.

Sometimes I wonder if us gurls should join the hedgehogs and tortoises and spend winter in a deep and ruminative state of hibernation, But, hold up!!

It's soooooooooooo obvious when you think about it. Why don't we all become raving nutters? Then the whole wide world could have a big 'Nut-In' and live happily ever after.


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